You can review two sample files we provide, the Multifamily Example.bld, we also provide a file Multfamily Electric.bld Both are modeled at the Plant level of the tree, Domestic Hot Water tab. Note this topic is ONLY applicable to Multifamily and Hotel/Motel guest room applications. The CHPWH cannot serve other zone occupancies.
The inputs for the CHPWH are under Central HPWH and your choices include the following:
- Residential NEEA rated Product – This would be a series of smaller scale tank style Water Heaters ganged together to meet the DHW needs.
- Commerical Product – This would be a larger Tank style unit that has commercial ratings. Currently the only choice in this product offering is the AO Smith 120 gal.
- Single Pass Primary – This is a large instantaneous commercial single pass heat pump that will be combined with external storage tanks specified on the dialog.
- Muti Pass Primary – This is a large instantaneous commercial multi pass heat pump that will be combined with external storage tanks specified on the dialog. (note this choice will generally invoke a penalty, as the more efficient single pass system is used in the standard building)
Note when selecting from the list of models, we have NO control over that list, as they are provided by the CEC, if you do not find your model, you can use one from the end of the list marked as Generic
A system can optionally have a secondary loop provided, the configuration of the secondary loop is specified further down with the same options above, plus an option for an electric resistance storage tank. The piping arrangement can be plumbed as parallel or series.
When the CHPWH option is checked, the water heater input at the top of the screen on the DHW tab is used to supply Nonresidential spaces, if the CHPWH feeds these spaces, we suggest that you create a dummy electric WH if necessary.
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